High Tech Supply Chain Solutions

One Network helps semiconductor, electronics, materials, and component suppliers manage their supply, demand, and logistics networks for world class performance and consumer driven planning and execution.

The End Game

Imagine a world where all companies operate their business processes on shared multi party business networks to execute business transactions and shared decisions to optimize common network goals. Combining a platform designed for multi party business transactions with N-way permission/privacy enhanced technologies will accelerate the transformation to this new model. In this new world there is no need for companies to each have expensive private or cloud ERP instances. We would be free from the drudgery of endless point to point EDI projects and associated data latency, project delays and costs.

The IT and Business value of this new computing model will transform IT and entire business ecosystems.


  • A digital hub-to-hub multi-party network that connects every consumer, every retailer to the entire value chain of manufacturers, suppliers, logistics service providers and trading partners in real time.
  • AI-driven networks automate many of the manual processes that supply, forecasting, fulfillment and logistics planners go through today with ‘AI and learning agents’ that direct planning and execution agents. Agents act directly on transactions to automatically implement decisions and drive the network to execute at near theoretical limits.
  • AI-driven consumer behavior prediction Targeted AI algorithms detect real sales patterns at the store SKU level while eliminating false POS trend prediction by correlating patterns across store clusters, consumer clusters, DCs, etc… to dramatically improve forecast accuracy and drive the entire network to continually align with predicted consumer behavior.
  • Machine Learning – agent training AI and learning agents are not going to be very smart if they only learn off of a traditional supply chain network. Worse if they start out with a blank slate and you have to train them from scratch on your data. Our agents are trained across many types of supply chain and logistics networks resulting in superior decision capabilities. We apply machine learning agents to monitor and guide our planning agents to automatically alter planning policies or policy parameters. Learning takes into account past decisions, results and forecasts to continually optimize inventory policies, forecasting methods, interpret and use buying patterns, allocation decisions, etc…
  • Prepare and Repair automate your network response to weather, social and political events. Gain visibility into predicted impact on your network anywhere in the world with intelligent interpretation of massive amounts of weather, political, port, traffic, and even block by block city dynamics data with automated repair and prepare response planning and execution.

An AI-Driven Multi-Party Business Network

You Need a Platform...

To do the cool high value stuff you must have the right platform…

  • Multi-Party Business Network: All data, transactions, plans, capacities, schedules, resources, master data and applications shared at the right point in time in the right state in real time.
  • Massive Scalability with Fast Local Response Times: We use the theory of subnets to dynamically segment multi party networks and attach agents that can monitor and respond quickly to local disruptions and trends without re-planning the entire network. Fast decision making with real time automated execution has proven to deliver superior results compared to traditional “replan the entire supply chain” approach. And yes sometimes we intelligently do re-plan the entire network.
  • aPaaS++: ONE Provides IT and ISVs with a sophisticated set of development tools and access to advanced industry designed APIs to enable never legacy tailoring of solutions, differentiation and competitive advantage. ONE also has connections to many other cloud services to provide all the functions you need to create innovative applications.

A Platform That Delivers…

Besides pleasing your customers – you need this because:

  • Value: Lower the cost of doing business 5% – 15%, 5x – 10x lower IT costs, increase revenue 1% to 5%, 3x – 5x faster solution realization.
  • Optimize the Network: automatically optimize the entire network and avoid these problems:
    1. Predictive analytics is disconnected from execution requiring manual interpretation to translate into execution.
    2. Scenario planning and manual collaboration requires teams of people making manual decisions to fill the disconnect between planning and execution
    3. Data latency between systems with EDI connections causes missed opportunities and incurs high manual effort to align decisions with execution.
    4. Data Latency and Translation Errors: Move past the problems you have today with a slow network of EDI connected tools that don’t consider the entire business network.
    5. Local optimization in isolation by company by business function.
  • Agility: During new product introduction and other product transitions, the intelligent network is capable of monitoring inventory health at retail and distribution all the way back to production. It is able to automatically enter/exit prioritized allocation modes and ramp production up or down based on the supply demand balance across the network.
  • Traceability: There is full serialized tracking of all high value assets (such as consumer electronic devices and smart-phones) throughout their lifecycle with visibility to full chain of custody. So, if recalls are needed, there is immediate visibility to specific impacted items and consumers.
  • Speed: As companies explore new business models, they are able to pull together a network of suppliers and trading partners and start orchestrating business in days not months or years.
  • Resilience: Streaming data from POS, chatter in social media and IoT is monitored to keep a pulse on consumer preferences and product performance. The network proactively anticipates or detects demand and supply disruptions to autonomously re-balance plans and orchestrate execution.
  • Reduce and Eliminate EDI: On an as-needed exception basis, trading partners plan, collaborate, and execute on a single platform in real-time, with no information delay nor discrepancies that exist with today’s mix of costly EDI, rigid portals, and email networks.
  • Open & Never Legacy: Companies can future-proof their systems through a scalable cloud platform with agile development tools that enable continuous improvement of systems and processes, as opposed to being locked into the processes defined by legacy and ERP systems.

Electronics and High Tech Solutions

Connect. Collaborate. Optimize. Execute.

“One Network’s many-to-many (or hub-to-hub) network core which enables collaboration, orchestration and adaptive execution across thousands of suppliers, carriers, distributors, and customers, is what sets it apart."

- Charles Brennan, Lead Analyst, Nucleus Research

Supply Chain Resources for Electronics and High Tech

One Network's High Tech Supply Chain Solution

One Network's multi-party business network platform with applications and services tailored to the High Tech Industry, automates the continuous alignment of supply, logistics, demand, and service networks, to dramatically lower time to value, risk, IT and operational costs for the entire network.


One Network's High Tech Supply Chain Solution

One Network's solution for the High Tech industry includes a control tower on a multi-party network platform with applications and services tailored to the High Tech Industry. The High Tech solution automates the continuous alignment of supply, logistics, demand, and service networks, to dramatically lower time to value, risk, IT and operational costs for the entire network.


Disruption and Digitization for the Ecommerce Supply Chain

How is it that some ecommerce companies are able to execute flawlessly and always seem to delight their customers, while most companies are struggling just to maintain mediocre performance? This white paper examines the causes of stagnating business, and identifies the key foundation that the successful companies are built on.


Your Business in a Consumer-Driven World

This report uses real case studies and examples, to explain how companies are becoming more responsive to consumer demand; what this means for your supply chain; and the key technology requirements in order to become consumer-driven.


8 Keys to Success with Artificial Intelligence in the Supply Chain

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can offer a huge benefit to supply chain managers, but only if it is based on solid fundamentals that take into account the diverse and dynamic nature of today’s modern supply chains. This report identifies the eight fundamentals that need to be in place in order to achieve the dramatic returns that AI is capable of delivering.


What Makes One Network Different?

Discover the unique capabilities of One Network’s NEO Platform, that enable you to connect, transact, and collaborate with all your trading partners in real time, to improve service levels and lower costs for all across the network.


Network Services for High Tech

All our Network Services are plug and play, easily enabled on the Real Time Value Network™.